
Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry – 3rd Edition

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The Massachusetts General Hospital is widely regarded as one of the world’s premier psychiatric institutions. Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry, 3rd Edition, offers practical, informative, and hands-on advice from the staff of the esteemed MGH Department of Psychiatry, helping you put today’s best practices to work for your patients. This authoritative reference covers a wide variety of clinical syndromes and settings, aided by superb graphics throughout. In one convenient volume, you’ll have easy access to the answers you need to face and overcome any clinical challenge.

  • Uses a reader-friendly and highly templated format with abundant boxed summaries, bulleted points, case histories, algorithms, references, and suggested readings.
  • Contains new chapters on the Psychiatric Management of Patients with Cardiac, Renal, Pulmonary, and Gastrointestinal Disease; COVID-19 Infection; Burns, Trauma, and Intensive Care Unit Treatment; Care of LGBTQ Patients; and Mindfulness and Resilience.
  • Covers key areas, such as Substance Use Disorders; Mood, Anxiety, and Psychotic Disorders; Emergency Psychiatry; Functional Neuroanatomy and the Neurologic Examination; Psychological and Neuropsychological Assessment; Military Psychiatry; Psychiatric Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury; Legal and Ethical Issues in Psychiatry; End of Life Care; and Approaches to Collaborative Care and Primary Care Psychiatry.
  • Features key points for every chapter, updated DSM-5 criteria, and enhanced content on collaborative care and behavioral medicine, ensuring that your knowledge is thorough and up to date.


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