(72 customer reviews)

4-Day: Positive Neuroplasticity

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4-Day: Positive Neuroplasticity Course with Rick Hanson, Ph.D
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Rick Hanson, Ph.D., is a NY Times bestselling author and an internationally recognized leading expert on positive neuroplasticity.

Dr. Hanson draws on a 40-year background in clinical psychology, human potential, and neuroscience to help thousands of people rewire their brains, overcome their mental health challenges, and become the fullest version of themselves.

His work has been praised by Stephen Porges, Tara Brach, Peter Levine, Kristine Neff, and Dan Siegel; featured in national media, and embraced by millions of readers as a voice they can trust.

This course recording is a unique opportunity for you to train with Dr. Hanson himself and discover how your clients can enjoy more successful therapeutic outcomes from the science-backed strategies of Positive Neuroplasticity!

Watch Dr. Hanson as he shares an invaluable toolbox full of accessible practices along with a reliable blueprint for how you can more skillfully assess and treat clients and catalyze lasting change.

Watch this hands-on 4-day recording and learn how to:

  • Treat anxiety, depression, trauma, and shame with positive neuroplasticity techniques
  • Foster rapid and far-reaching healing and growth with evidence-based strategies
  • More skillfully assess which psychological resources your clients need most for better treatment outcomes
  • Turn clients’ experiences into lasting inner strengths for improved clinical results
  • Skills and tools to make lasting changes inside the brain
  • Rapidly overcome therapeutic obstacles by using positive psychological material to soothe and replace negative material
  • More effectively work with couples, children, and other special populations

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to train with a leading expert on positive neuroplasticity and feel the satisfaction of bringing new and effective paths to healing to your clients.


Rick Hanson, Ph.D.'s Profile

Rick Hanson, Ph.D., is a psychologist, a Senior Fellow of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, and a New York Times best-selling author. His books are available in 28 languages and include Buddha’s Brain (New Harbinger, 2009), Just One Thing (New Harbinger, 2011), Hardwiring Happiness (Harmony, 2016), Resilient (Harmony, 2018), Just One Thing Card Deck (PESI, 2018), and Mother Nurture (Penguin, 2002). He edits the Wise Brain Bulletin and has numerous online programs. A summa cum laude graduate of UCLA and founder of the Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom, he’s been an invited speaker at NASA and Google, and Oxford, Stanford, Harvard, and other major universities, and taught in meditation centers worldwide.

Dr. Hanson has been a trustee of Saybrook University, served on the board of Spirit Rock Meditation Center, and was president of the Board of FamilyWorks, a community agency. He began meditating in 1974, trained in several traditions, and leads a weekly meditation gathering in San Rafael, California. His work has been featured on the BBC, CBS, and NPR, and over 140,000 people receive his free Just One Thing weekly newsletter.

He enjoys rock-climbing and taking a break from emails. He and his wife have two adult children.



  1. Explain how to incorporate the combination of client’s challenges, vulnerabilities and resources into clinical assessment for a better understanding of a client.
  2. Describe the importance of the two-stage process of learning as it relates to clinical outcomes.
  3. Demonstrate three fundamental ways to engage the client’s mind skillfully for clinical practice.
  4. Define the practice of positive neuroplasticity as relates to clinical practice.
  5. Explain the science of Positive Neuroplasticity and how to teach the methods to clients.
  6. Utilize two psychological resources that can be used to teach clients their personal strengths.
  7. Demonstrate two practices to use clinically for clients to have beneficial experiences.
  8. Incorporate exercises to help clients learn ways to deepen experiences for healing.
  9. Name three ways to encourage clients to internalize beneficial experiences and its importance for growth.
  10. Describe three blocks to the deliberate internalization of beneficial experiences that can slow clinical work.
  11. Explain the research of the three-stage evolution of the human brain and how it relates clinically.
  12. Identify key resource experiences to meet clients’ needs.
  13. Discuss case studies of specific psychological resources showed to improve psychological disorders such as anxiety, trauma and depression.
  14. Explain the different levels of client engagement with painful or upsetting thoughts, feelings, memories, or sensations and treatment implications.
  15. Practice skills to help clients holding in awareness for a positive thought or feeling as well as a negative one.
  16. Provide perspective and clinical practices for self-compassion.
  17. Utilize practices to help clients manage threats from calm strength rather than fear, anger or helplessness.
  18. Teach clients skills to enjoy life’s pleasures without getting driven or addicted.
  19. Demonstrate ways for clients to internalize experiences of accomplishment and success in everyday life.
  20. Guide clients in the importance of being aware of both a desired behavior and an anticipated reward of it.
  21. Summarize the importance and research of client self-acceptance and self-worth for better treatment outcomes.
  22. Describe how clients can approach relationship issues from compassion and self-respect rather than resentment and inadequacy.
  23. Practice a psychological cue each to evoke a sense of peace, contentment, and love to use in session.
  24. Discuss Rick Hanson’s HEAL process and how it can relation to treatment.
  25. Model two ways to incorporate the HEAL process in psychotherapy.
  26. Integrate the HEAL process for the treatment of anxiety, depressed mood, addiction, and trauma.



The critical role of psychological resources to deal with clients’ challenges and vulnerabilities

  • The stress-diathesis model: Challenges, vulnerabilities, resources
  • Resources located in world, body and mind
  • The special opportunity and value of mental resources
  • Overview of mental resources (i.e., psychological resources) that are clinically relevant
  • Why most of our mental resources are learned: acquired, not innate
  • The necessary two stage process of any learning, including acquiring all mental resources: activation and installation
  • Why experiencing doesn’t equal learning
  • Why most therapeutic experiences do not have lasting value
  • Activity: Help clients identify significant challenges and vulnerabilities, and then identify relevant psychological resources for these

The Neuropsychology of Learning

  • The brain’s evolved negativity bias
  • Clinical implications of the low conversion of therapeutic experiences to lasting changes of neural structure and function
  • Major mechanisms of experience-dependent neuroplasticity
  • What is positive neuroplasticity
  • Activity: Discussion about the clinical implications of the negativity bias
  • Activity: Explain the negativity bias to a client

Clients as Active Learners

  • Environmental, behavioral and mental factors that increase learning, and thus the acquisition of psychological resources
  • The special opportunity and value of mental factors of learning
  • Empower clients to be active agents in their healing and growing
  • Two kinds of mental factors: Contextual and engagement
  • The opportunity and value of engagement factors
  • Clinical benefits of clients actively engaging the experiences they are having to steepen their learning/healing/grown curves
  • Activity: Experience the two-stage process of learning while using engagement factors
  • Activity Explain the two-stage process of learning to a client, and then describe engagement-type mental factors of learning

The Three Ways to Engage the Mind Productively

  • Letting go – observing, accepting, exploring the contents of consciousness
  • Letting go – preventing, decreasing, or releasing negative or traumatic material
  • Letting go – creating, sustaining, or increasing positive materials
  • What is mindfulness; why mindfulness is part of letting go and letting in
  • How letting be, letting go, and letting in form a natural healing sequence
  • Activity: Experience the three ways to engage the mind
  • Activity: Explain the three ways to engage the mind to a client
  • Activity: Practice the three ways to engage the mind

Teaching Positive Neuroplasticity to Clients

  • The science of positive neuroplasticity
  • How to guide clients through experiential practices
  • Identify and work through key blocks to having and internalizing beneficial experiences, such as distractibility, fear, shame, anxiety, social expectations and trauma
  • Activity: How to explain positive neuroplasticity to a client


Overview of the HEAL Framework of Engagement Factors of Learning

  • Have a beneficial experience
  • Enrich it – increasing the neural activity underlying an experience
  • Absorb it – increasing the sensitivity of the memory-making mechanisms of the brain
  • Link positive and negative materials
  • Activity: Experience the HEAL process
  • Activity: How to explain the HEAL process to a client

Having Beneficial Experiences

  • Notice beneficial experiences in the foreground and background of awareness
  • Create beneficial experiences; overview of many ways to do this
  • The five elements of an experience: Thoughts, perceptions, emotions, desires, actions; why each is an opportunity for acquiring an aspect of a psychological resource
  • Deal with “yes, but” and other blocks to clients having beneficial experiences
  • Activity: Experience the five elements present in an experience of playfulness
  • Activity: Guide a colleague to be aware of the five elements present in an important experience

Enriching Experiences to Increase Their Neural Registration

  • Five factors of Enriching: Duration, intensity, embodiment, novelty, salience
  • Activity: These three factors applied to an experience of a psychological resource
  • Activity: Explain these three factors to a client
  • Activity Guide a colleague through using these three factors of Absorbing to deepen the internalization of an experience of psychological resource


Overview of Linking Positive and Negative Material

  • Implicit and explicit memory
  • How negative material is consolidated, activated, and reconsolidated in the brain
  • The window of time during which the reconsolidation of negative material can be disrupted
  • Three ways to manage negative material: Grow relevant psychological resources, associate positive to negative, disrupt the reconsolidation of the negative
  • Self-compassion: A key resource for managing negative material, and an example of Linking
  • Activity: Experience the Link step
  • Activity: Explain the Link step to a client
  • Activity: Guide a colleague through the Link step

Discussion and Application of Material Presented

  • Four ways to use positive neuroplasticity and the HEAL framework with clients
  • Adapt positive neuroplasticity for children
  • Activity: Discussion with a colleague about using positive neuroplasticity and the HEAL framework with one or more challenging clients
  • Activity: How to explain the Link step to a client
  • Activity: Guide a client through the Link step


Our Three Needs and Two Ways of Meeting Them

  • The three fundamental needs of any animal, including humans: Safety, satisfaction, connection
  • The meeting of these needs through Avoiding harms, Approaching rewards, and Attaching to others
  • Social brain theory
  • Why there is more to human life avoiding pain and approaching pleasure
  • The reptilian, mammalian, and primate/human stages of brain evolution and their relationship to the Avoiding, Approaching, and Attaching systems
  • Our basic two ways of meeting needs: The Responsive and Reactive modes, without stress and with stress
  • Explain what it means when clients go to Responsive mode and Reactive mode and the impact of each
  • Activity: Discussion with a colleague about these three needs and two modes for meeting them

Identifying Key Psychological Resources Matched to Clients’ Needs

  • Demonstration by instructor with a volunteer of identifying key resources
  • Overview of resources for safety, satisfaction & connection
  • The value in repeatedly internalizing experiences of needs sufficiently met
  • The metaphors of repeatedly petting the lizard, feeding the mouse, and hugging the monkey
  • Activity: Guide a colleague to identify key resources for an issue
  • Activity: Experience of a basic sense of safety, satisfaction, and connection: peace, contentment, and love

Helping Clients to Identify and Internalize Key Psychological Resources

  • Demonstrate by instructor with a volunteer of identifying and internalizing one or more key resources, using the HEAL framework
  • Discussion of what helped this go well
  • Activity: Guide a colleague to identify and internalize one or more key resources, using the HEAL framework


Key Resources for Being and Feeling Safe

  • Indicators of challenges to safety: fear, anger, helplessness
  • Why we evolved to overestimate threats and underestimate opportunities and resources
  • Blocks to reducing anxiety
  • Activity: Experience of calm strength
  • Activity: Experience of noticing you are basically alright right now
  • Activity: Explain to a colleague how to have and internalize more experiences of calm strength and basic alright-ness, and feel less anxiety

Help Clients to Increase Resources for Safety

  • Additional resources for safety: sense of agency, protection, and refuge
  • Our vulnerability to acquiring learned helplessness
  • Discussion of what helped this go well
  • Special applications to trauma
  • Activity: Guide a colleague to identify and internalize resources for being and feeling safer, using the HEAL framework


Key Resources for Being and Feeling More Satisfied

  • Indicators of challenges to satisfaction: Frustration, loss, ennui, boredom
  • Ambition without driven-ness, aspiration without attachment
  • Activity: Experience of gratitude and gladness
  • Activity: Experience of goal accomplishment and feeling successful
  • Activity: Explain to a colleague how to have and internalize more experience of gratitude, happiness, and success, and feel less frustration

Help Clients to Increase Resources for Satisfaction

  • Liking and wanting in the brain; enjoy without craving
  • How to use associational learning to increase motivation
  • Special applications to addiction
  • Activity: Guide a colleague to increase motivation for something, using the HEAL framework


Key Resources for Being and Feeling More Connected

  • Indicators of challenges to connection: hurt, rejection, loneliness, hatred, inadequacy, shame
  • Normal narcissistic needs
  • Activity: Experience of feeling cared about and caring
  • Activity: Guide a colleague through internalizing psychological resources for greater self-worth, using the HEAL framework

Help Clients to Increase Resources for Connection

  • Three neural circuits of empathy
  • The strong heart: combining kindness and assertiveness, love and power
  • Activity: Explain the circuits of empathy to a client and exploring how the client could be more emphatic in daily life
  • Activity: Guide a colleague the psychological resources that support the strong heart, and how to have and internalize experiences of these resources

Managing Challenges From the Responsive Mode

  • Activity: Experience of peace, contentment, love
  • Activity: Explore with a colleague how to manage a key challenge from the Responsive mode, including what this would be like and feel like
  • Activity: Guide a colleague through having and internalizing an experience of a key resource for managing challenging from the Responsive mode, using the HEAL framework


Use Positive Neuroplasticity and the HEAL Process for Particular Clinical Issues and Situations

  • In mindfulness training
  • With depression
  • Specific issues from participants
  • Activity: Discussion with a colleague about applications to one or more clients

Clinical Consequences of Societal Factors

  • How economic, cultural, and other environmental factors affect mental health, for better or worse
  • How internalizing psychological resources and living increasingly from the Responsive mode helps people be less vulnerable to manipulations of fear and anger, possessiveness and greed, and grievance and vengeance toward others
  • Final discussion
  • Activity: Experience of peace, contentment and love


Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Psychotherapists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Therapists
  • Marriage and Family Therapists
  • Addiction Counselors
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Occupational Therapist Assistants
  • Nurses
  • Other Helping Professionals

Course Details

Duration: 24 Hours 12 Minutes
Format: Audio and Video
Media Type: Digital Seminar

72 reviews for 4-Day: Positive Neuroplasticity

  1. Mila Parker
    I’ve taken many professional development courses over the years, but this one really stood out. Rick Hanson breaks down complex neuroscience concepts ...More
    I’ve taken many professional development courses over the years, but this one really stood out. Rick Hanson breaks down complex neuroscience concepts in a way that’s easy to understand and use. The techniques for fostering Positive Neuroplasticity have already made a huge difference in my clients’ progress. Whether dealing with trauma, depression, or everyday stress, the tools from this course are invaluable. An excellent investment in my practice!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Christopher Stevens
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was beyond amazing. It provided me with tools that are easy to apply in practice but have a profound imp...More
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was beyond amazing. It provided me with tools that are easy to apply in practice but have a profound impact on clients. I’m seeing quicker and more lasting changes in my clients' ability to manage trauma, anxiety, and negative thought patterns. The course’s focus on building psychological resources is unique and effective. I will definitely be using these methods going forward!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Zoey Long
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was beyond amazing. It provided me with tools that are easy to apply in practice but have a profound imp...More
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was beyond amazing. It provided me with tools that are easy to apply in practice but have a profound impact on clients. I’m seeing quicker and more lasting changes in my clients' ability to manage trauma, anxiety, and negative thought patterns. The course’s focus on building psychological resources is unique and effective. I will definitely be using these methods going forward!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Christian Foster
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course is hands down the best training I’ve ever received. Rick Hanson’s insights into how the brain works and how ...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course is hands down the best training I’ve ever received. Rick Hanson’s insights into how the brain works and how to leverage neuroplasticity for therapeutic change are invaluable. The techniques are simple to use, yet incredibly powerful. My clients are making progress faster than ever before, and their emotional growth is sustained over time. This course is an absolute must for therapists, coaches, and anyone in the personal development field.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Hazel Fisher
    This course was exactly what I needed to elevate my therapy practice. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity have completely changed the ...More
    This course was exactly what I needed to elevate my therapy practice. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity have completely changed the way I approach client care. The HEAL process is a game-changer for helping clients internalize positive experiences and turn them into lasting psychological strengths. I’ve seen incredible improvements in my clients' ability to manage stress and trauma. If you’re a therapist looking for effective tools, this course is for you.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Nathan Hughes
    As a therapist, I’m always looking for new tools to help my clients make lasting progress, and this course delivered in every way. Rick Hanson’s Posit...More
    As a therapist, I’m always looking for new tools to help my clients make lasting progress, and this course delivered in every way. Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity techniques are grounded in science and incredibly practical. I’ve already started applying them in my practice, and the results are beyond impressive. My clients are learning how to rewire their brains for greater emotional resilience, and it’s making a huge difference in their lives. I highly recommend this course!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Stella Edwards
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was truly transformative. Rick Hanson is a master at teaching how to apply neuroscience to therapeutic pract...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was truly transformative. Rick Hanson is a master at teaching how to apply neuroscience to therapeutic practice. I found the course content rich in evidence-based techniques that have changed how I work with clients. My clients are not just feeling better temporarily—they are making deep, lasting changes in their mental and emotional well-being. This course is a must for any therapist or coach looking to make a real difference.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Dylan Scott
    This course is a must for anyone in the mental health field. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity provided me with practical tools that...More
    This course is a must for anyone in the mental health field. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity provided me with practical tools that I’ve immediately incorporated into my therapy sessions. My clients are benefiting greatly, and I’ve seen their emotional resilience and well-being improve tremendously. The course content was engaging, and the insights were backed by solid science. Highly recommend to any therapist or coach!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Nora Carter
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was beyond amazing. It provided me with tools that are easy to apply in practice but have a profound imp...More
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was beyond amazing. It provided me with tools that are easy to apply in practice but have a profound impact on clients. I’m seeing quicker and more lasting changes in my clients' ability to manage trauma, anxiety, and negative thought patterns. The course’s focus on building psychological resources is unique and effective. I will definitely be using these methods going forward!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Wyatt Lee
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was beyond amazing. It provided me with tools that are easy to apply in practice but have a profound imp...More
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was beyond amazing. It provided me with tools that are easy to apply in practice but have a profound impact on clients. I’m seeing quicker and more lasting changes in my clients' ability to manage trauma, anxiety, and negative thought patterns. The course’s focus on building psychological resources is unique and effective. I will definitely be using these methods going forward!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Lila Ramirez
    Rick Hanson’s 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course exceeded all my expectations. The blend of neuroscience and practical application made it easy to ...More
    Rick Hanson’s 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course exceeded all my expectations. The blend of neuroscience and practical application made it easy to integrate into my therapy practice. My clients are seeing lasting improvements in their emotional resilience and mental well-being. The course was well-organized and engaging, and I’m so grateful to have learned these valuable tools. I would recommend this to any mental health professional.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Isaac Bryant
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was beyond amazing. It provided me with tools that are easy to apply in practice but have a profound imp...More
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was beyond amazing. It provided me with tools that are easy to apply in practice but have a profound impact on clients. I’m seeing quicker and more lasting changes in my clients' ability to manage trauma, anxiety, and negative thought patterns. The course’s focus on building psychological resources is unique and effective. I will definitely be using these methods going forward!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Lillian Cooper
    I’ve been a therapist for over a decade, and this course was exactly what I needed to take my practice to the next level. The science of Positive Neur...More
    I’ve been a therapist for over a decade, and this course was exactly what I needed to take my practice to the next level. The science of Positive Neuroplasticity is fascinating, and Rick Hanson made it accessible and actionable. I’ve been using the strategies I learned in this course with my clients, and the results have been remarkable. They’re overcoming emotional challenges and making lasting changes in their mental health. Amazing course!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Owen Morgan
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was an incredibly insightful experience. Rick Hanson’s expertise in combining brain science with therapeutic...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was an incredibly insightful experience. Rick Hanson’s expertise in combining brain science with therapeutic techniques was evident throughout. As a life coach, I’ve found the strategies from this course to be immensely helpful in guiding my clients through personal transformation. The HEAL process, in particular, has been a revelation. My clients are building lasting emotional resilience, and I couldn’t be happier with the outcomes.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Camila Diaz
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was truly transformative. Rick Hanson is a master at teaching how to apply neuroscience to therapeutic pract...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was truly transformative. Rick Hanson is a master at teaching how to apply neuroscience to therapeutic practice. I found the course content rich in evidence-based techniques that have changed how I work with clients. My clients are not just feeling better temporarily—they are making deep, lasting changes in their mental and emotional well-being. This course is a must for any therapist or coach looking to make a real difference.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Levi Barnes
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course is hands down the best training I’ve ever received. Rick Hanson’s insights into how the brain works and how ...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course is hands down the best training I’ve ever received. Rick Hanson’s insights into how the brain works and how to leverage neuroplasticity for therapeutic change are invaluable. The techniques are simple to use, yet incredibly powerful. My clients are making progress faster than ever before, and their emotional growth is sustained over time. This course is an absolute must for therapists, coaches, and anyone in the personal development field.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Penelope Brooks
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course is hands down the best training I’ve ever received. Rick Hanson’s insights into how the brain works and how ...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course is hands down the best training I’ve ever received. Rick Hanson’s insights into how the brain works and how to leverage neuroplasticity for therapeutic change are invaluable. The techniques are simple to use, yet incredibly powerful. My clients are making progress faster than ever before, and their emotional growth is sustained over time. This course is an absolute must for therapists, coaches, and anyone in the personal development field.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Julian Ross
    This course was an absolute game-changer for my practice. Rick Hanson’s techniques on Positive Neuroplasticity were explained in such a clear and prac...More
    This course was an absolute game-changer for my practice. Rick Hanson’s techniques on Positive Neuroplasticity were explained in such a clear and practical manner that I could apply them immediately. I’ve seen significant improvements in my clients' ability to manage stress, anxiety, and even trauma. The HEAL process is incredibly useful, and it’s a tool I now use regularly. Highly recommended for any therapist looking to expand their skills!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Ella Gray
    As a therapist, I’m always looking for new tools to help my clients make lasting progress, and this course delivered in every way. Rick Hanson’s Posit...More
    As a therapist, I’m always looking for new tools to help my clients make lasting progress, and this course delivered in every way. Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity techniques are grounded in science and incredibly practical. I’ve already started applying them in my practice, and the results are beyond impressive. My clients are learning how to rewire their brains for greater emotional resilience, and it’s making a huge difference in their lives. I highly recommend this course!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Carter Jenkins
    This course was exactly what I needed to elevate my therapy practice. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity have completely changed the ...More
    This course was exactly what I needed to elevate my therapy practice. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity have completely changed the way I approach client care. The HEAL process is a game-changer for helping clients internalize positive experiences and turn them into lasting psychological strengths. I’ve seen incredible improvements in my clients' ability to manage stress and trauma. If you’re a therapist looking for effective tools, this course is for you.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Aubrey James
    As a therapist, I’m always looking for new tools to help my clients make lasting progress, and this course delivered in every way. Rick Hanson’s Posit...More
    As a therapist, I’m always looking for new tools to help my clients make lasting progress, and this course delivered in every way. Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity techniques are grounded in science and incredibly practical. I’ve already started applying them in my practice, and the results are beyond impressive. My clients are learning how to rewire their brains for greater emotional resilience, and it’s making a huge difference in their lives. I highly recommend this course!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Gabriel Howard
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course is hands down the best training I’ve ever received. Rick Hanson’s insights into how the brain works and how ...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course is hands down the best training I’ve ever received. Rick Hanson’s insights into how the brain works and how to leverage neuroplasticity for therapeutic change are invaluable. The techniques are simple to use, yet incredibly powerful. My clients are making progress faster than ever before, and their emotional growth is sustained over time. This course is an absolute must for therapists, coaches, and anyone in the personal development field.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Avery Coleman
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was beyond amazing. It provided me with tools that are easy to apply in practice but have a profound imp...More
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was beyond amazing. It provided me with tools that are easy to apply in practice but have a profound impact on clients. I’m seeing quicker and more lasting changes in my clients' ability to manage trauma, anxiety, and negative thought patterns. The course’s focus on building psychological resources is unique and effective. I will definitely be using these methods going forward!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Andrew Sanders
    This course was an eye-opening experience. Rick Hanson’s ability to connect neuroscience with real-world therapy tools was impressive. I’m already see...More
    This course was an eye-opening experience. Rick Hanson’s ability to connect neuroscience with real-world therapy tools was impressive. I’m already seeing incredible improvements in my clients' emotional resilience and their ability to manage anxiety and trauma. The HEAL process has become a staple in my practice, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have learned from such a knowledgeable teacher. This course is a must for anyone in the mental health field.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Aria Price
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was an incredibly insightful experience. Rick Hanson’s expertise in combining brain science with therapeutic...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was an incredibly insightful experience. Rick Hanson’s expertise in combining brain science with therapeutic techniques was evident throughout. As a life coach, I’ve found the strategies from this course to be immensely helpful in guiding my clients through personal transformation. The HEAL process, in particular, has been a revelation. My clients are building lasting emotional resilience, and I couldn’t be happier with the outcomes.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Anthony Bennett
    This course was an eye-opening experience. Rick Hanson’s ability to connect neuroscience with real-world therapy tools was impressive. I’m already see...More
    This course was an eye-opening experience. Rick Hanson’s ability to connect neuroscience with real-world therapy tools was impressive. I’m already seeing incredible improvements in my clients' emotional resilience and their ability to manage anxiety and trauma. The HEAL process has become a staple in my practice, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have learned from such a knowledgeable teacher. This course is a must for anyone in the mental health field.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Hannah Russell
    As a therapist, I’m always looking for new tools to help my clients make lasting progress, and this course delivered in every way. Rick Hanson’s Posit...More
    As a therapist, I’m always looking for new tools to help my clients make lasting progress, and this course delivered in every way. Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity techniques are grounded in science and incredibly practical. I’ve already started applying them in my practice, and the results are beyond impressive. My clients are learning how to rewire their brains for greater emotional resilience, and it’s making a huge difference in their lives. I highly recommend this course!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Luke Bell
    I’ve taken many professional development courses over the years, but this one really stood out. Rick Hanson breaks down complex neuroscience concepts ...More
    I’ve taken many professional development courses over the years, but this one really stood out. Rick Hanson breaks down complex neuroscience concepts in a way that’s easy to understand and use. The techniques for fostering Positive Neuroplasticity have already made a huge difference in my clients’ progress. Whether dealing with trauma, depression, or everyday stress, the tools from this course are invaluable. An excellent investment in my practice!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Emily Patterson
    This course is a must for anyone in the mental health field. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity provided me with practical tools that...More
    This course is a must for anyone in the mental health field. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity provided me with practical tools that I’ve immediately incorporated into my therapy sessions. My clients are benefiting greatly, and I’ve seen their emotional resilience and well-being improve tremendously. The course content was engaging, and the insights were backed by solid science. Highly recommend to any therapist or coach!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Aiden Flores
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course is hands down the best training I’ve ever received. Rick Hanson’s insights into how the brain works and how ...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course is hands down the best training I’ve ever received. Rick Hanson’s insights into how the brain works and how to leverage neuroplasticity for therapeutic change are invaluable. The techniques are simple to use, yet incredibly powerful. My clients are making progress faster than ever before, and their emotional growth is sustained over time. This course is an absolute must for therapists, coaches, and anyone in the personal development field.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Zoe Hughes
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course is hands down the best training I’ve ever received. Rick Hanson’s insights into how the brain works and how ...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course is hands down the best training I’ve ever received. Rick Hanson’s insights into how the brain works and how to leverage neuroplasticity for therapeutic change are invaluable. The techniques are simple to use, yet incredibly powerful. My clients are making progress faster than ever before, and their emotional growth is sustained over time. This course is an absolute must for therapists, coaches, and anyone in the personal development field.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Jack Watson
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course has been a pivotal experience for my personal and professional growth. Rick Hanson’s approach to blending br...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course has been a pivotal experience for my personal and professional growth. Rick Hanson’s approach to blending brain science with practical tools has made a lasting impact on how I work with clients. The strategies from this course have been instrumental in helping my clients move beyond emotional pain and build stronger mental resilience. The HEAL process is an invaluable resource in therapy. Highly recommended!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Scarlett Ward
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course is hands down the best training I’ve ever received. Rick Hanson’s insights into how the brain works and how ...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course is hands down the best training I’ve ever received. Rick Hanson’s insights into how the brain works and how to leverage neuroplasticity for therapeutic change are invaluable. The techniques are simple to use, yet incredibly powerful. My clients are making progress faster than ever before, and their emotional growth is sustained over time. This course is an absolute must for therapists, coaches, and anyone in the personal development field.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Matthew Gonzalez
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was truly transformative. Rick Hanson is a master at teaching how to apply neuroscience to therapeutic pract...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was truly transformative. Rick Hanson is a master at teaching how to apply neuroscience to therapeutic practice. I found the course content rich in evidence-based techniques that have changed how I work with clients. My clients are not just feeling better temporarily—they are making deep, lasting changes in their mental and emotional well-being. This course is a must for any therapist or coach looking to make a real difference.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Chloe Kelly
    This course was exactly what I needed to elevate my therapy practice. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity have completely changed the ...More
    This course was exactly what I needed to elevate my therapy practice. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity have completely changed the way I approach client care. The HEAL process is a game-changer for helping clients internalize positive experiences and turn them into lasting psychological strengths. I’ve seen incredible improvements in my clients' ability to manage stress and trauma. If you’re a therapist looking for effective tools, this course is for you.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Elijah Rodriguez
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course is hands down the best training I’ve ever received. Rick Hanson’s insights into how the brain works and how ...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course is hands down the best training I’ve ever received. Rick Hanson’s insights into how the brain works and how to leverage neuroplasticity for therapeutic change are invaluable. The techniques are simple to use, yet incredibly powerful. My clients are making progress faster than ever before, and their emotional growth is sustained over time. This course is an absolute must for therapists, coaches, and anyone in the personal development field.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Lily Murphy
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was an incredibly insightful experience. Rick Hanson’s expertise in combining brain science with therapeutic...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was an incredibly insightful experience. Rick Hanson’s expertise in combining brain science with therapeutic techniques was evident throughout. As a life coach, I’ve found the strategies from this course to be immensely helpful in guiding my clients through personal transformation. The HEAL process, in particular, has been a revelation. My clients are building lasting emotional resilience, and I couldn’t be happier with the outcomes.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Samuel White
    This course is a must for anyone in the mental health field. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity provided me with practical tools that...More
    This course is a must for anyone in the mental health field. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity provided me with practical tools that I’ve immediately incorporated into my therapy sessions. My clients are benefiting greatly, and I’ve seen their emotional resilience and well-being improve tremendously. The course content was engaging, and the insights were backed by solid science. Highly recommend to any therapist or coach!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Evelyn Ramirez
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was life-changing for both me and my clients. His teaching on how to rewire the brain for lasting emotio...More
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was life-changing for both me and my clients. His teaching on how to rewire the brain for lasting emotional change is something every therapist should know. The tools he provided were practical, easy to implement, and backed by solid science. My clients are experiencing deeper healing and resilience as a result of this course. If you’re a mental health professional, don’t miss out on this training!
    Helpful? 0 0
    William Richardson
    This course was exactly what I needed to elevate my therapy practice. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity have completely changed the ...More
    This course was exactly what I needed to elevate my therapy practice. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity have completely changed the way I approach client care. The HEAL process is a game-changer for helping clients internalize positive experiences and turn them into lasting psychological strengths. I’ve seen incredible improvements in my clients' ability to manage stress and trauma. If you’re a therapist looking for effective tools, this course is for you.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Sofia Bailey
    I’ve taken many professional development courses over the years, but this one really stood out. Rick Hanson breaks down complex neuroscience concepts ...More
    I’ve taken many professional development courses over the years, but this one really stood out. Rick Hanson breaks down complex neuroscience concepts in a way that’s easy to understand and use. The techniques for fostering Positive Neuroplasticity have already made a huge difference in my clients’ progress. Whether dealing with trauma, depression, or everyday stress, the tools from this course are invaluable. An excellent investment in my practice!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Logan Evans
    This course was an eye-opening experience. Rick Hanson’s ability to connect neuroscience with real-world therapy tools was impressive. I’m already see...More
    This course was an eye-opening experience. Rick Hanson’s ability to connect neuroscience with real-world therapy tools was impressive. I’m already seeing incredible improvements in my clients' emotional resilience and their ability to manage anxiety and trauma. The HEAL process has become a staple in my practice, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have learned from such a knowledgeable teacher. This course is a must for anyone in the mental health field.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Madison Reed
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was truly transformative. Rick Hanson is a master at teaching how to apply neuroscience to therapeutic pract...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was truly transformative. Rick Hanson is a master at teaching how to apply neuroscience to therapeutic practice. I found the course content rich in evidence-based techniques that have changed how I work with clients. My clients are not just feeling better temporarily—they are making deep, lasting changes in their mental and emotional well-being. This course is a must for any therapist or coach looking to make a real difference.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Sebastian Carter
    I’ve taken many professional development courses over the years, but this one really stood out. Rick Hanson breaks down complex neuroscience concepts ...More
    I’ve taken many professional development courses over the years, but this one really stood out. Rick Hanson breaks down complex neuroscience concepts in a way that’s easy to understand and use. The techniques for fostering Positive Neuroplasticity have already made a huge difference in my clients’ progress. Whether dealing with trauma, depression, or everyday stress, the tools from this course are invaluable. An excellent investment in my practice!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Victoria Rivera
    Rick Hanson’s 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course exceeded all my expectations. The blend of neuroscience and practical application made it easy to ...More
    Rick Hanson’s 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course exceeded all my expectations. The blend of neuroscience and practical application made it easy to integrate into my therapy practice. My clients are seeing lasting improvements in their emotional resilience and mental well-being. The course was well-organized and engaging, and I’m so grateful to have learned these valuable tools. I would recommend this to any mental health professional.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Jackson Morris
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was life-changing for both me and my clients. His teaching on how to rewire the brain for lasting emotio...More
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was life-changing for both me and my clients. His teaching on how to rewire the brain for lasting emotional change is something every therapist should know. The tools he provided were practical, easy to implement, and backed by solid science. My clients are experiencing deeper healing and resilience as a result of this course. If you’re a mental health professional, don’t miss out on this training!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Grace Campbell
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was an incredibly insightful experience. Rick Hanson’s expertise in combining brain science with therapeutic...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was an incredibly insightful experience. Rick Hanson’s expertise in combining brain science with therapeutic techniques was evident throughout. As a life coach, I’ve found the strategies from this course to be immensely helpful in guiding my clients through personal transformation. The HEAL process, in particular, has been a revelation. My clients are building lasting emotional resilience, and I couldn’t be happier with the outcomes.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Henry Mitchell
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was truly transformative. Rick Hanson is a master at teaching how to apply neuroscience to therapeutic pract...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was truly transformative. Rick Hanson is a master at teaching how to apply neuroscience to therapeutic practice. I found the course content rich in evidence-based techniques that have changed how I work with clients. My clients are not just feeling better temporarily—they are making deep, lasting changes in their mental and emotional well-being. This course is a must for any therapist or coach looking to make a real difference.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Ella Collins
    This course was an absolute game-changer for my practice. Rick Hanson’s techniques on Positive Neuroplasticity were explained in such a clear and prac...More
    This course was an absolute game-changer for my practice. Rick Hanson’s techniques on Positive Neuroplasticity were explained in such a clear and practical manner that I could apply them immediately. I’ve seen significant improvements in my clients' ability to manage stress, anxiety, and even trauma. The HEAL process is incredibly useful, and it’s a tool I now use regularly. Highly recommended for any therapist looking to expand their skills!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Daniel Turner
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was an incredibly insightful experience. Rick Hanson’s expertise in combining brain science with therapeutic...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was an incredibly insightful experience. Rick Hanson’s expertise in combining brain science with therapeutic techniques was evident throughout. As a life coach, I’ve found the strategies from this course to be immensely helpful in guiding my clients through personal transformation. The HEAL process, in particular, has been a revelation. My clients are building lasting emotional resilience, and I couldn’t be happier with the outcomes.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Harper Perez
    As a therapist, I’m always looking for new tools to help my clients make lasting progress, and this course delivered in every way. Rick Hanson’s Posit...More
    As a therapist, I’m always looking for new tools to help my clients make lasting progress, and this course delivered in every way. Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity techniques are grounded in science and incredibly practical. I’ve already started applying them in my practice, and the results are beyond impressive. My clients are learning how to rewire their brains for greater emotional resilience, and it’s making a huge difference in their lives. I highly recommend this course!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Alexander Baker
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was an incredibly insightful experience. Rick Hanson’s expertise in combining brain science with therapeutic...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was an incredibly insightful experience. Rick Hanson’s expertise in combining brain science with therapeutic techniques was evident throughout. As a life coach, I’ve found the strategies from this course to be immensely helpful in guiding my clients through personal transformation. The HEAL process, in particular, has been a revelation. My clients are building lasting emotional resilience, and I couldn’t be happier with the outcomes.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Abigail Adams
    This course was exactly what I needed to elevate my therapy practice. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity have completely changed the ...More
    This course was exactly what I needed to elevate my therapy practice. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity have completely changed the way I approach client care. The HEAL process is a game-changer for helping clients internalize positive experiences and turn them into lasting psychological strengths. I’ve seen incredible improvements in my clients' ability to manage stress and trauma. If you’re a therapist looking for effective tools, this course is for you.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Jacob Harris
    This course was an absolute game-changer for my practice. Rick Hanson’s techniques on Positive Neuroplasticity were explained in such a clear and prac...More
    This course was an absolute game-changer for my practice. Rick Hanson’s techniques on Positive Neuroplasticity were explained in such a clear and practical manner that I could apply them immediately. I’ve seen significant improvements in my clients' ability to manage stress, anxiety, and even trauma. The HEAL process is incredibly useful, and it’s a tool I now use regularly. Highly recommended for any therapist looking to expand their skills!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Mia Scott
    Rick Hanson’s 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course exceeded all my expectations. The blend of neuroscience and practical application made it easy to ...More
    Rick Hanson’s 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course exceeded all my expectations. The blend of neuroscience and practical application made it easy to integrate into my therapy practice. My clients are seeing lasting improvements in their emotional resilience and mental well-being. The course was well-organized and engaging, and I’m so grateful to have learned these valuable tools. I would recommend this to any mental health professional.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Ethan King
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course is hands down the best training I’ve ever received. Rick Hanson’s insights into how the brain works and how ...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course is hands down the best training I’ve ever received. Rick Hanson’s insights into how the brain works and how to leverage neuroplasticity for therapeutic change are invaluable. The techniques are simple to use, yet incredibly powerful. My clients are making progress faster than ever before, and their emotional growth is sustained over time. This course is an absolute must for therapists, coaches, and anyone in the personal development field.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Isabella Young
    This course is a must for anyone in the mental health field. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity provided me with practical tools that...More
    This course is a must for anyone in the mental health field. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity provided me with practical tools that I’ve immediately incorporated into my therapy sessions. My clients are benefiting greatly, and I’ve seen their emotional resilience and well-being improve tremendously. The course content was engaging, and the insights were backed by solid science. Highly recommend to any therapist or coach!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Lucas Hall
    I cannot speak highly enough of this course. Rick Hanson provides a deep dive into Positive Neuroplasticity with an emphasis on practical application,...More
    I cannot speak highly enough of this course. Rick Hanson provides a deep dive into Positive Neuroplasticity with an emphasis on practical application, which is crucial for therapists. The techniques I’ve learned have been seamlessly integrated into my practice, and my clients are already seeing results. The ability to turn short-term emotional improvements into long-term gains is what makes this course truly special. Any therapist would benefit from this training.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Ava Walker
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was truly transformative. Rick Hanson is a master at teaching how to apply neuroscience to therapeutic pract...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was truly transformative. Rick Hanson is a master at teaching how to apply neuroscience to therapeutic practice. I found the course content rich in evidence-based techniques that have changed how I work with clients. My clients are not just feeling better temporarily—they are making deep, lasting changes in their mental and emotional well-being. This course is a must for any therapist or coach looking to make a real difference.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Mason Lopez
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was beyond amazing. It provided me with tools that are easy to apply in practice but have a profound imp...More
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was beyond amazing. It provided me with tools that are easy to apply in practice but have a profound impact on clients. I’m seeing quicker and more lasting changes in my clients' ability to manage trauma, anxiety, and negative thought patterns. The course’s focus on building psychological resources is unique and effective. I will definitely be using these methods going forward!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Noah Clark
    As a therapist, I’m always looking for new tools to help my clients make lasting progress, and this course delivered in every way. Rick Hanson’s Posit...More
    As a therapist, I’m always looking for new tools to help my clients make lasting progress, and this course delivered in every way. Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity techniques are grounded in science and incredibly practical. I’ve already started applying them in my practice, and the results are beyond impressive. My clients are learning how to rewire their brains for greater emotional resilience, and it’s making a huge difference in their lives. I highly recommend this course!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Amelia Robinson
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was beyond amazing. It provided me with tools that are easy to apply in practice but have a profound imp...More
    Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity course was beyond amazing. It provided me with tools that are easy to apply in practice but have a profound impact on clients. I’m seeing quicker and more lasting changes in my clients' ability to manage trauma, anxiety, and negative thought patterns. The course’s focus on building psychological resources is unique and effective. I will definitely be using these methods going forward!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Liam Lewis
    This course was an absolute game-changer for my practice. Rick Hanson’s techniques on Positive Neuroplasticity were explained in such a clear and prac...More
    This course was an absolute game-changer for my practice. Rick Hanson’s techniques on Positive Neuroplasticity were explained in such a clear and practical manner that I could apply them immediately. I’ve seen significant improvements in my clients' ability to manage stress, anxiety, and even trauma. The HEAL process is incredibly useful, and it’s a tool I now use regularly. Highly recommended for any therapist looking to expand their skills!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Charlotte Hernandez
    I’ve been a therapist for over a decade, and this course was exactly what I needed to take my practice to the next level. The science of Positive Neur...More
    I’ve been a therapist for over a decade, and this course was exactly what I needed to take my practice to the next level. The science of Positive Neuroplasticity is fascinating, and Rick Hanson made it accessible and actionable. I’ve been using the strategies I learned in this course with my clients, and the results have been remarkable. They’re overcoming emotional challenges and making lasting changes in their mental health. Amazing course!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Benjamin Martinez
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was an incredibly insightful experience. Rick Hanson’s expertise in combining brain science with therapeutic...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course was an incredibly insightful experience. Rick Hanson’s expertise in combining brain science with therapeutic techniques was evident throughout. As a life coach, I’ve found the strategies from this course to be immensely helpful in guiding my clients through personal transformation. The HEAL process, in particular, has been a revelation. My clients are building lasting emotional resilience, and I couldn’t be happier with the outcomes.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Olivia Taylor
    This course was an absolute game-changer for my practice. Rick Hanson’s techniques on Positive Neuroplasticity were explained in such a clear and prac...More
    This course was an absolute game-changer for my practice. Rick Hanson’s techniques on Positive Neuroplasticity were explained in such a clear and practical manner that I could apply them immediately. I’ve seen significant improvements in my clients' ability to manage stress, anxiety, and even trauma. The HEAL process is incredibly useful, and it’s a tool I now use regularly. Highly recommended for any therapist looking to expand their skills!
    Helpful? 0 0
    James Anderson
    This course was exactly what I needed to elevate my therapy practice. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity have completely changed the ...More
    This course was exactly what I needed to elevate my therapy practice. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity have completely changed the way I approach client care. The HEAL process is a game-changer for helping clients internalize positive experiences and turn them into lasting psychological strengths. I’ve seen incredible improvements in my clients' ability to manage stress and trauma. If you’re a therapist looking for effective tools, this course is for you.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Sophia Brown
    I’ve been a therapist for over a decade, and this course was exactly what I needed to take my practice to the next level. The science of Positive Neur...More
    I’ve been a therapist for over a decade, and this course was exactly what I needed to take my practice to the next level. The science of Positive Neuroplasticity is fascinating, and Rick Hanson made it accessible and actionable. I’ve been using the strategies I learned in this course with my clients, and the results have been remarkable. They’re overcoming emotional challenges and making lasting changes in their mental health. Amazing course!
    Helpful? 0 0
    David Wilson
    This course is a must for anyone in the mental health field. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity provided me with practical tools that...More
    This course is a must for anyone in the mental health field. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity provided me with practical tools that I’ve immediately incorporated into my therapy sessions. My clients are benefiting greatly, and I’ve seen their emotional resilience and well-being improve tremendously. The course content was engaging, and the insights were backed by solid science. Highly recommend to any therapist or coach!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Sarah Davis
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course has been a pivotal experience for my personal and professional growth. Rick Hanson’s approach to blending br...More
    The 4-Day Positive Neuroplasticity course has been a pivotal experience for my personal and professional growth. Rick Hanson’s approach to blending brain science with practical tools has made a lasting impact on how I work with clients. The strategies from this course have been instrumental in helping my clients move beyond emotional pain and build stronger mental resilience. The HEAL process is an invaluable resource in therapy. Highly recommended!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Michael Smith
    This course was exactly what I needed to elevate my therapy practice. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity have completely changed the ...More
    This course was exactly what I needed to elevate my therapy practice. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity have completely changed the way I approach client care. The HEAL process is a game-changer for helping clients internalize positive experiences and turn them into lasting psychological strengths. I’ve seen incredible improvements in my clients' ability to manage stress and trauma. If you’re a therapist looking for effective tools, this course is for you.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Emily Johnson
    This course is a must for anyone in the mental health field. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity provided me with practical tools that...More
    This course is a must for anyone in the mental health field. Rick Hanson’s teachings on Positive Neuroplasticity provided me with practical tools that I’ve immediately incorporated into my therapy sessions. My clients are benefiting greatly, and I’ve seen their emotional resilience and well-being improve tremendously. The course content was engaging, and the insights were backed by solid science. Highly recommend to any therapist or coach!
    Helpful? 0 0
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