(48 customer reviews)

Assessment in Counseling: Procedures and Practices – 7th Edition

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“Welcome to the seventh edition of Assessment in Counseling: Procedures and Practices! The purpose of this book is to provide information about the various assessment procedures that are specifically relevant for practicing counselors across a variety of settings. The book showcases how these assessment procedures can be applied throughout the counseling process; emphasizes the selection, interpretation, and communication of assessment findings; and highlights the basic principles of ability, intelligence, career, and personality assessment. It stresses the importance of integrating assessment findings with other information about the client. One primary assumption under girds this text: Counselors engage in assessment practices every day, and these practices affect relationships, treatment decisions, and culturally responsive counseling. Furthermore, assessment involves both quantitative and qualitative approaches”–
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48 reviews for Assessment in Counseling: Procedures and Practices – 7th Edition

  1. Henry Jenkins
    Truly a must-read for anyone in the counseling profession looking to up their game.
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    Diana Rivera
    An excellent addition to any counselors continuing education efforts.
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    Edward Bailey
    Helps you navigate the complexities of modern counseling practices effectively.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Angela Rivera
    Every counseling practitioner should read this to stay ahead in their field.
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