Master the Core Skills and Competencies of CBT
Foundations in CBT
- Evolution of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies
- Neurobiological Findings
- Outcome Studies
Treatment Concepts
- Socialization to Treatment Model
- Levels of Cognition
- Eliciting & Labeling Distortions
- Identify & Evaluate Automatic Thoughts
Offshoot Models
- Third Wave Approaches
- Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
- Schema Therapy
The Therapeutic Relationship
- Establish Rapport
- Ruptures in the Therapeutic Alliance
- Predictive of Outcome
Cognitive Conceptualization
- Case Formulation
- Collaborative Empiricism
- Symptom Driven Treatment Planning
Key Components of CBT Practice
- Structure
- Feedback
- Guided Discovery
- Collaborative Empiricism
- Homework
Application to Clinical Practice
CBT for Mood Disorders, Anger, Anxiety, PTSD & Substance Abuse
CBT for Mood Disorders
- Cognitive Model of Depression
- Behavioral Activation
- Sleep Hygiene
- Activity Monitoring & Scheduling
- Modify Negative Cognitions
- Gratitude & Meaning
- Depressive Relapse
- Bipolar Disorder
CBT for Anger
- Cognitive Model of Anger
- Role of Values & “Moral Resistance”
- Symptom Management
CBT for Anxiety
- Generalized Anxiety
- Cognitive Model of Anxiety
- “Worry Cure”
- Phobias
- Hierarchy Work
- Desensitization
- Panic Disorder
- Cognitive Model of Panic
- Interoceptive Strategies
- Intrusive Thoughts
- Metacognitive Strategies
- Behavioral Experiments
- Prolonged Exposure
- Cognitive Reprocessing
- Trauma Narratives
CBT for Substance Abuse
- Impulse Control Models
- Monitor Cravings & Resist Urges
- Relapse Prevention
Application to Clinical Practice
Difficult Cases, Cluster B & C Personality Disorders
Overview of CBT for Challenging Cases
- Why are they challenging
- Adaptations in CBT
- Modified Expectations for the Therapist
Treatment Model
- Early Maladaptive Schemas
- Breaking Destructive Behavioral Cycles
- Belief Modification Protocol
CBT for Cluster B Personality Disorders
- Antisocial
- Psychopathy
- Behavior Management
- Narcissistic
- Subtypes of Narcissism
- Schema Mode Work
- Histrionic
- Schema Modification
- Constructive Alternatives for “Getting Noticed”
- Borderline
- DBT Based Strategies
- Emotion Regulation Skills
- Distress Tolerance Skills
- Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills
CBT for Cluster C Personality Disorders
- Modifying Avoidant Schemas and Strategies
- Changing Dependent Beliefs and Behaviors
- OCPD: Interventions and Strategies
Advanced Strategies for Cluster B Personality Disorders
- Modify Deep Seeded Beliefs
- Continuum Work
- Construct New Beliefs
- Internalization Exercises
- Build Resilience
- Cognitive Behavioral Chain Analysis
- Schema Mode Work
CBT for Suicidal Clients
- CBT Model of suicide
- Risk Assessment
- Strategies for Suicidal Ideation and Hopelessness
- Reasons for Living Inventories
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