(46 customer reviews)

The Finding Solid Ground Program Workbook: Overcoming Obstacles in Trauma Recovery

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For those who have experienced trauma, life may sometimes feel hopeless, full of feeling too much or too little, and the world can feel like a terrifying and dangerous place. This can be especially true for those hurt by people they loved, trusted, or relied on. To escape the pain, many trauma survivors disconnect from themselves and the world, including in ways that are risky or unsafe. The good news is that survivors can heal, recover from trauma, and grow. The Finding Solid Ground Program Workbook is an invaluable guide through this important, meaningful work, providing a step-by-step approach at a pace designed to feel safe.

In this workbook, which can be used independently or in the context of psychotherapy, expert authors guide readers step by step along the path of healing from trauma, and offer specific exercises to practice daily that will help survivors feel safer and develop a grounded, worthy sense of self. This book includes the Information Sheets and Exercises that are the foundation for the Finding Solid Ground program; the companion book for therapists, Finding Solid Ground: Overcoming Obstacles in Trauma Treatment provides the theoretical, clinical, and research rationale for the program. Therapists will find that this program breaks recovery into practical and manageable steps that can be immediately implemented. Participation in the Finding Solid Ground program in the TOP DD Network study was linked with improved ability to manage emotions in healthy ways and reduced dissociation, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and self-injury.

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46 reviews for The Finding Solid Ground Program Workbook: Overcoming Obstacles in Trauma Recovery

  1. Oliver Rivera
    Great book, but I was hoping for more detailed case studies to illustrate the techniques.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Oliver Long
    I appreciated the research, but some sections were a bit too academic for my liking.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Aria Rivera
    Very informative but a little dense in some parts. Still, an excellent resource overall.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Elijah Cox
    A helpful guide, but I wish it had a bit more on certain therapeutic techniques.
    Helpful? 0 0
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